Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

When coming up with the ideas for a 2 min it was not easy. The first day when we were given this assignment, I felt horrible. I woke up super sore because of track practice, and my body was hurting all over. Long story short, I spent the whole day in pain, from the migraines, to the muscles aches, to the fever. I couldn’t listen to the instructions because it was physically painful. I spent Thursday through Friday in bed drinking water and sleeping and now I have to write a blog about AICE Media! Fortunately, I had to do this on Friday because that when I gain the ability to move, and this isn’t an exaggeration. My team which included Marckins and Quincy had a hard time figure out anything. I didn’t help at all since I couldn’t think straight but I put my hope into my teammates.

Through the year I’ve learned many things from doing these projects. Filming processes, cooperation, organization, and positive out look on everything.

A pitch a basically an idea for a movie, are pitch ideas are. So there was the Iranian war and everyone had to fight in it, an action packed but realistic representation of a war between Iran and America.
The only way to do this project is to do something based on recent events that there isn’t a similar movie to it or do something so bizarre and nonsensical that no one would dare to spend any time or money to create it. Yet, that still might not work. Second pitch, is a guy a ninja angry at his Sensai for eating his toast and starts a rivalry. Lastly, a rapper/ ventriloquist/ criminal/ Katy Perry fanatic going through life and we watch his or her struggles.

The first picture represents us in class discussing and the other is my partner working on his blog.

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